
An interview with Da Chick

We had the opportunity to meet this girl right before her performance at NOS Alive Festival. To be honest, we couldn’t make the time to deeply heard her music before having the interview so the kind of questions asked are mostly about the origin of Da Chick. Hours later, we decided to step out of Radiohead concert (which it was schedule at the same time than Da Chick in the festival), to discover this gem.


Tune Munch: You’re an artist from Portugal, where have you played already abroad?

Da Chick: As Da Chick we’ve been in France, in Spain at Razzmatazz, that’s it. I also collaborate in my label band called Disco Texas and there we’ve been in a few places like Mexico, Istanbul, Russia.

TM: We had a look at your sound, your songs and your videos as well, and they stand out a lot, it seems you’re always with these two guys.

DC: They’re my boys. I was planning this video, the Lot Of Love video, with the producer, we talking about the ideas and we had this idea that I could have two boys, you know, my boys, and now they are my boys, and I put it on Facebook if anybody knows about two black guys who can dance, you know hip hop, 80s stuff, and who look alike, and everybody told me about these two brothers and I was like I gotta talk to them. And I talked to them, and they were perfect, they are twins, so I was like, I was looking for two guys who look alike, and they are twins! I’m in love with these guys. And we did the video, we met once, A Lot Of Love, we’re playing basketball and stuff and I fell in love with them and after a few days I invited them to be a part of the live concerts and since then they are working with me.


TM: What’s the best song to introduce you to our audience?

DC: My sound is basically electronic music with a groovy sounds, from hip hop to disco to soul to funk. It’s groovy music mostly.


TM: How did you start the project?

DC: I started…so I studied marketing and advertising, and I have these two close friends that started this project as producers of electro music, and they invited me. I’ve always liked music, I had no idea that I would be singing now, but I like music, they knew that I like music, I like to write stuff, I was a copywriter as an advertiser, and I have this sense of writing stuff, and they knew about that and they made a beat and they asked me -Do you want to try something? – Why not. And I wrote a song about my booty, and well, it was big success. I decided to make a Myspace and met with a lot of different producers and then I met Disco Texas and I knew that I wanted to do music and I wanted to do it seriously.


TM: So you have a label, it was after having a label that you discovered…?

DC: No, so I knew these two guys because I was a big fan which is Moullinex and Xinobi. And I emailed them, and I said I’m Da Chick I’m a big fan yours, I want to make some music with you, do you want to do that, I went to the studio, we produced the first EP (Carly Mess) and then we decided it would make sense to be with this label and we edited with Disco Texas and I’ve been working with them since then.


TM: So what’s the best setting introduce you and your song?

DC: I was always doing this party music and talking about cocktails and screaming and being a bad mama and with this album that I did last year, Chick to Chick, I brought this new side, more soul and more serious side. So I have these two different Chicks, so it’s very difficult to choose a song! But I guess the best song that really describes me is Cocktail because it explains a lot of what I am and what I want to do and how you can see me.


TM: What kind of cocktail would you be?

DC: The chick cocktail: no alcohol, only soul.


TM: Do you have any new bands that you think people should listen to?

DC: From Portuguese bands? A rapper that is Michael Knight (my DJ). There’s a really really cool funk band called Cais Sodre Funk Connection. You know you have Orelha Negra, Capitão Fausto, and Throes + The Shine. Other stuff that inspires me is old school bands, Earth Wind & Fire, De La Soul, the classics. New stuff like Kaytranada, Kendrick, Anderson Paak.


TM: Freestyle question:

DC: If you want to really dig the chick you’ve got to see it live, 100%.

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